Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Cross

For you. .

This is the second cross I've ever created since I started making jewellery when I was twenty one. (Phew~ I realize that I've grown old!) There are many ways to make cross fashionable and pretty as a piece of jewellery and I have seen some I favoured. However, I couldn't hastily make one of my own because I know the price of the cross. The cross comes to me as the Payment, His death, His resurrection; the passion Jesus bore for me. So, after many days of putting my thoughts into it, I created one. Hope He likes it.

BOiS & BOiScreation


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There was the rainbow

I have set my rainbow in the clouds... Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you...

BOiS & BOiScreation


Monday, April 4, 2011

Anchor and a heart II

"You are the anchor of my heart. .!"

Anchor of my heart has finally come out. I tried these two in many different ways and this design was the most to my likes.

And, yes, of course, He has truly been the anchor of my heart ever since I was twenty.

With love,

BOiS & BOiScreation
